10 Best Harry Potter Villains

4. The Malfoys

Played by: Jason Isaacs, Tom Felton and Helen McCrory Despite the eternal battle between good and evil that is Harry's conflict with Lord Voldemort, The Boy Who Lived's greatest rival has to be his schoolboy enemy, Draco, the bullying Slytherin student and member of the Pureblood wizarding family, the Malfoys, consisting of his prissy mother Narcissa and cold-hearted Ministry of Magic worker/Death Eater father, Lucius. Themes of racism and prejudice are very important ones in the Harry Potter stories and the Malfoys are a family who embody both of these sadly real-life evils. As a powerful magical dynasty, the Malfoys look down on any mixing of Muggle and magical blood, regarding those such as Half-Blood Harry (with one parent from a Muggle family) and Mudblood Hermione (born to Muggle parents) as inferior people. What's more, the Malfoys are Slytherins in the truest sense as they look after their own skin above all else, as seen in the final book/film when they turn their backs on the Death Eaters' attack on Hogwarts. The Malfoys, then, are the antithesis of Harry's favourite wizarding family, the Weasleys, who have their doors open to all. And so just as the Weasleys are a group of characters you have to love, the Malfoys are definitely characters we love to hate.

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