10 Best Highway Action Scenes In Cinema History

7. Mission: Impossible III

The Matrix Reloaded Freeway

Mission: Impossible III is often the most overlooked entry in the entire franchise, given that it came six years after the disappointing second movie and also never managed to reach the levels of critical and commercial acclaim that greeted Ghost Protocol, Rogue Nation and Fallout.

However, JJ Abrams' feature debut does boast arguably the finest villain the whole series thanks to the late Phillip Seymour Hoffman, contains the single greatest example of Tom Cruise running really fast that has ever been committed to film, and also delivered one of the best action scenes in a franchise that has endured for almost 25 years based almost entirely on the strength of its set-pieces.

Ethan Hunt survives a bridge getting blown almost completely in two, an army of henchman and a missile-firing drone to prove himself virtually indestructible once again. Sure, the bad guy gets away, but at least Ethan lived to fight another day.


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