10 Best Horror Movie Characters Who Appear In Only One Scene

4. The Pale Man - Pan's Labyrinth

Last Man Mad God
Warner Bros.

In general, this list has attempted to stray away from monsters of any sort, as beasties who only appear in one scene is a list in itself (check one out here). However, the horrifying, creepy, iconic Pale Man deserves an exception, as this one-scene character stole the whole damn show in a movie that already had a lot going for it. Plus, this author is afraid of what it might do if it's left off the list.

Pan's Labyrinth follows the adventures of Ofelia as she tumbles into a world of fantasy where danger lurks around every corner, none more so than in the lair of this child-eating monster. After Ofelia finds herself in his abode, she betrays the rules and eats some of his food, which leads to a terrifying scene where he awakes, gobbles up some of her fairy companions and comes for her.

The character's design easily stands out, even when up against the cacophony of classic creatures from Guillermo del Toro's repertoire. His creepy hand eyes, skinny as hell legs, elongated fingers and menacingly pale skin will leave you sleeping with a night light for weeks after watching the flick.

Plenty of monsters struggle to stay in the mind of audiences after a whole movie, but this guy does it easily with only one appearance.

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