10 Best Horror Movie Characters Who Appear In Only One Scene

3. Lucifer - Constantine

Last Man Mad God
Warner Bros.

It's safe to say that everyone knows the name Lucifer. The Devil himself is a ubiquitous figure in religion and entertainment, meaning that any character who faces off against him is destined to have a hellish time. While far from a perfect movie, Constantine adds more fuel to that fire, as it delivers one of the best depictions of the fallen angel, with only one scene to boot.

Lucifer appears in this movie's climax, coming before John Constantine (Keanu Reeves) and preparing to take him to Hell. But, he's goaded into a confrontation with Gabriel (Tilda Swinton) instead and eventually bested by Constantine.

The thing that really makes Lucifer special here is the slithery performance from Peter Stormare. He infills the character with all the intimidating devilry you'd expect from the Prince of Hell but adds enough quirkiness to him to make the character fun to watch. He's frightening and charming simultaneously.

Keeping Lucifer in their back pocket was a smart move for this film, as the mystery surrounding the villain made you truly fearful of what he'd end up coming out like. When this iconic Lucifer eventually did hit the screen, it put the fear of God in people.

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