10 Best Horror Movie Crossovers
Some things weren't meant to go together but lets put them together anyway and see what happens!

Crossover films have become much more popular in recent years, with cinematic universes like Marvel and DC bringing different characters and stories woven together to make amazing collaborations that have been carefully thought out through various franchises.
However, horror movies have been combining their larger than life villains for decades, often to see who would win in a battle or just how the characters would react to each other.
The cynical among us might say they were just money-making exercises trying to capitalise on attracting the fans from two franchises or just piquing the interest of people who want to see what would happen.
Several of the films in our list involve characters initially working together then turning on each other, or characters trying to use one of the monsters for their own gain and then discovering that they can’t control them. Another common theme is using one monster to defeat another one when all other avenues have failed.
Whatever the reasons behind them, there is no denying that these films are inventive and original and often have great fight sequences in them making them exciting to watch.
If you go into them expecting classic cinematography you will be disappointed - but if you can suspend your disbelief and just enjoy the ride, then crossovers can be a lot of fun!
10. Gingerdead Man Vs Evil Bong (2013)

Starting this list is this ridiculous crossover of two questionable franchises from Full Moon Features.
The Gingerdead Man franchise originally starred Gary Busey as a psychopath who is sentenced to death, and then has his ashes accidentally baked into a gingerbread mix, bringing him to life as the monstrous titular character.
His aim is to find Sarah, the baker who transformed him, to get her to turn him back into a human.
Meanwhile, the seven film Evil Bong series concerns a possessed bong called Eebee, who pulls your soul into ‘Bong World’ and kills you when you smoke her.
The crossover film hinges on Larnell from the Evil Bong series and Sarah from the Gingerdead films looking to team up to take advantage of the genius selling point of combining bongs and baked goods. They escape from the Gingerdead Man into Bong World by smoking Eebee (who Larnell had kept locked in his safe) and manage to trap the biscuit there after he follows them.
The film is incredibly low budget, and spends quite a lot of time recapping the previous movies, but there are lots of cameos from characters from the other films and even an appearance by Ooga Booga, another Full Moon Features star. It isn’t going to win any awards but is quite fun to watch and obviously has an audience because of all the sequels!