10 Best Horror Movie Deleted Scenes

1. "Not The Bees" - The Wicker Man (2006)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVCrmXW6-Pk That's right, the most remembered scene from a film we'd all like to forget wasn't even included in the original theatrical version. It wasn't until the "uncut" version of the film was released on DVD that we finally got to see the moment that would go on to spark a million online memes overnight. In Neil LaBute€™s appallingly misjudged remake of the 1973 British horror classic, Nicolas Cage drives the crazy up to a level that only he can attain, with a performance so insane that punching a woman in the face while wearing a bear suit isn€™t the most ridiculous thing about it. Towards the end of the film, Cage's character is attacked by the local villagers and prepared as a sacrifice for a neo-pagan cult. Originally, his legs are broken and he's simply burned alive. However, in the infamous scene that would later be included, he€™s fitted with a wire mesh helmet and bees are poured into it. Cue Cage€™s finest/worst acting moment ever, as he screams, €œNo, not the bees! The bees! Ahhhh! My eyes! My eyes! Ahhhhh!€ Are there any other scrapped scenes that you'd like to add to the list? Let us know in the comment section below.

Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at JarvisCity.com - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: JesseGumbarge@JarvisCity.com