10 Best Horror Movie Misdirections Ever

5. Candice Gets Screwed - Final Destination 5

Trick R Treat
Warner Bros.

The later entries into the Final Destination franchise sometimes tried to get a little too clever for their own good, teeing up "gotcha!" misdirects where characters would be set up to die one way, only for something totally random to take them out instead.

But Final Destination 5's best death played totally fair with the audience, because while poor Candice (Ellen Wroe) is indeed killed by an ill-placed screw on a balance beam during a gymnastics session, how we get there is most brilliantly unexpected indeed.

While Candice is performing on the balance beam, a loose screw falls from the ceiling and lands on the beam, suggesting that Candice will eventually step on it mid-move and fall awkwardly to her death.

But Candice makes it off the beam in one piece and even avoids water leaking onto an electrical wire afterwards, at which point she starts swinging around on the nearby bars.

The bars themselves have a loose screw which seems moments away from coming loose and catapulting Candice mid-swing, but that doesn't kill her either. The actual cause of her death?

Another student using the balance beam, who steps on the screw, trips off the beam, and knocks over a pail of chalk, which is then blown into Candice's face by a fan, causing her to lose her balance mid-swing and fall awkwardly, instantly snapping her spine in two.

It's a genuinely masterfully directed sequence, leading the audience to anticipate one thing but taking them there by a totally different route.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.