10 Best Horror Movie Moments Of 2024
2. The Birth - Immaculate
In the second movie of this year involving a pregnant nun, Sister Cecilia discovers she's with child despite being a virgin in Immaculate. Initially dubbed as a miracle, Cecilia suspects the baby growing inside her is anything but divine.
Sure enough, she learns her convent leader, Father Tedeschi, has impregnated her with Jesus Christ's DNA, hoping to create a new Messiah.
After disposing of Tedeschi and escaping from the convent, Cecilia realises the baby is coming. With nobody around to help, Cecilia has no choice but to perform the delivery herself. And it is unbearable to watch.
The camera focuses on Cecilia's bloodied face throughout this three-minute unbroken shot, with her straining in agony and spitting blood as she pushes the child out through pure force. The baby itself remains off-screen, but it's safe to assume it's malformed based on its inhumane cries and Cecilia's horrified expression.
After ripping through the umbilical cord with her teeth, Cecilia picks up a large rock and crushes her offspring with it. Although the horrific scene could've been more brutal if the baby and its death were depicted, the filmmakers wisely chose to focus on Cecilia, highlighting her physical and emotional turmoil.