10 Best Horror Movie Sequels
Number two's aren't all that bad.

Breakout horror movies are pretty hard hard to come by. Whilst it's true that we're enjoying a new era of spooky films making their mark on the industry in the past year or so, there's a world out there full of failed genetic experiments, prematurely exorcised ghosts, and dull-bladed slasher villains just waiting to waste your time. That doesn't mean they aren't good fun - but exceptional movies seem to require exceptional circumstances.
So surely that means once a filmmaker finds the magic recipe to a fantastic movie, they can have a whip through the necronomicon and pull something equally brilliant out the second time too, right? Well, I hate to break it to you, but we've seen enough Final Destinations and Saw movies to know what a follow up usually means.
However, luckily for us, expectation doesn't define the standard - and there are plenty of sequel films out there swinging just as much weight in their chainsaws as their predecessors. Bringing back the scariest monsters, the most badass protagonists, and dreaded, spine-tingling atmosphere in gory abundance: these are the films that got a midnight snack and transformed franchises into their most grotesque gremlin glory. Some may even go as far to say that they're better - but that's up to you to decide...
10. Halloween III: Season Of The Witch

Originally, the Halloween films were supposed to be an anthology format of scary films, encapsulating the Michael Myers story within Halloween one and two, and moving on to a new format from number three onwards. Season of the Witch is the result of John Carpenter's experimentation, and it's one that paid off - even if it isn't remembered quite as widely as our very own Haddonfield stabber.
Featuring a madman attempting to recreate an ancient Halloween ritual with silver shamrock masks, a doctor and his patient's daughter team up to try and stop him before he invokes deadly witchcraft that will kill millions of children. It's a daring, bold move from a director who already has something good set up with two films worth of lore to take the franchise somewhere completely new; and it definitely works as a fun little horror movie.
It's just a shame it was taken off him and turned into a run of eight lacklustre Michael Myers stories instead.