10 Best Horror Movie Sequels

7. Blair Witch

Evil Dead 2

The Blair Witch Project spawned many a copycat, and infuriated film fans the world over with the inception of shaky-cam filmmaking. Following three film students attempting to uncover the mystery of the Blair Witch, they soon succumb to hysteria alone in the woods - and it's never quite certain what exactly it is they're messing with, or what's messing with them.

2016's sequel Blair Witch does take out the question of whether the events of the first film were supernatural or the result of hysteria by plopping a horrible pasty creature in the woods with its protagonists. On the hunt for what happened to his sister, James Donahue makes the same mistake of going into the Burkittsville woods - and succumbs to a series of time-bending, mind-melding, absolutely bed-wetting experiences in the forest.

It's obviously a big ask for a sequel to live up to something as legendary as The Blair Witch Project, as Book of Shadows soon proved - but Blair Witch is a genuinely scary rendition of the legend that stands out from its original as well as updating it.


Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.