10 Best Horror Movie Villains From The 70s

6. Pazuzu - The Exorcist (1973)

Texas Chainsaw Leatherface
Warner Bros. Pictures

The Exorcist was a game changer for the horror genre, having been so thematically rich and still regarded as one of the scariest movies ever. In this disturbing tale of possession, Hollywood actress Chris MacNeil and her daughter Regan move to Washington D.C. where she notices some increasingly unusual behaviour in her otherwise shy and reserved child.

Linda Blair's portrayal of Regan's possession was so disturbing, it was enough to make audiences faint. Of course, she is technically not the villain of the story, but the demon Pazuzu confined in her body is. He's the one sending us white as a sheet as he takes a pre-teen girl and causes her to vomit, curse, spin her head all the way round and spider-crawl down the stairs.

If that's not enough, we are even provided a brief flash of the face of Pazuzu in his "true form". Complete with dark rings around his red eyes, rotten teeth and a vividly pale complexion, it's hard enough to stomach for even the toughest of horror junkies.


Coffee Addict, Cartoon Obsessed, Theatre Kid