10 Best Horror Movie Villains From The 70s

3. The Xenomorph - Alien (1979)

Texas Chainsaw Leatherface
20th Century Fox

Ridley Scott's Alien has been frequently regarded as a near masterpiece in horror and science fiction because of how well the story builds tension and suspense. An outer space crew deal with an unwanted passenger of monstrous proportions, but just what exactly are the Nostromo crew up against?

The Xenomorph is a frightening sight to behold - large in stature and a ghastly set of sharp teeth, with stealthy movement and an almost faceless appearance, it is an intimidating creature in more ways than one. However, the decision to not feature the alien so frequently is what builds up the suspense and leaves audiences more shocked when the monster is fully revealed.

Every crew member seems to face a different fate in terms of their violent demise against the alien (including a grim chest burst), making the Xenomorph seem all the more impossible to defeat. Because of its limitless powers and relentless focus on killing, the sheer intimidation of the alien has become tattooed on the memory of every sci-fi lover.


Coffee Addict, Cartoon Obsessed, Theatre Kid