10 Best Horror Movies Of 2018

1. Hereditary

A Quiet Place John Krasinski

Of course, A24's best horror offering for 2018 is the one that sits comfortably a head above the others, championing a marketing campaign that thoroughly fooled its audience into attending a movie that wasn't what was shown in its trailers. A ballsy move, that.

When the Graham family matriach passes away, Annie must outrun the secrets of her family that come boiling to the surface. To say much more would be to give too much away, and if Hereditary does anything, it keeps its cards close to its chest for almost the entirety of the runtime.

The sense of unease and unpredictability that comes after young daughter Charlie's, er, big moment - one never signposted as coming - is one that pervaded throughout the rest of Hereditary, creating a film that was both original and unsettling without ever succumbing to cliche. Hereditary is a big long movie, and an ambitious one at that, but its sense of character and downright weird lore is something to be applauded endlessly: it's simply a work of art.

Yes, it's not everyone's cup of tea, but that's exactly what art is - whether you love it or you hate it, Hereditary is unarguably masterfully put together, and will make you feel SOMETHING to boot.

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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.