10 Best Horror Movies Of 2018

4. A Quiet Place

A Quiet Place John Krasinski

One of this year's finest blockbuster releases, A Quiet Place sure made a lot of noise upon release. Directed by The Office's own John Krasinski, the film is the story of a near-future where an invasion has rendered Earth silent, for fear of being discovered by roaming creatures hypersensitive to sound.

Killing anything that makes noise, you can somewhat sympathise with these aliens if you've ever had that one neighbour that sounds like they're practicing tap dance on your ceiling at 3am every morning - but it doesn't make them any less terrifying.

Really though, A Quiet Place has one of the most spine-tingling sequences in a horror movie in recent memory, never mind of just this year, with a harried Emily Blunt trapped in a bathtub trying to remain quiet despite some... egregious circumstances.

With outstanding character work, a believable, immersive environment, and some downright creepy looking monsters skulking the family's re-purposed farm: A Quiet Place is a masterclass in tension. Just take a listen at how the whole movie approaches soundtrack and wallow in that horrible tight feeling.


Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.