10 Best Horror Movies Of 2018

3. The Endless

A Quiet Place John Krasinski
Well Go USA Entertainment

Another science-fiction movie that approaches horror in its wider themes rather than honing in on a singular terrifying experience, The Endless is both a fantastic psychological experience as well as a truthful portrayal of family.

After running away from a UFO death cult that older brother Justin was convinced were about to commit mass suicide, him and his sibling Aaron are poverty-stricken in regular society, working as cleaners to make ends meet despite ends not really meeting.

When a video tape from the cult mysteriously shows up, Aaron pines to return to the one place he felt happy, and the pair reluctantly go back to their home a decade ago.

The Endless doesn't really ramp up until over halfway in, reveling in an intensely Lovecraftian framework that underpins everything the brothers experience. It's a mystery that becomes both clearer and more confusing as the story winds on, somewhere between Coherence and The Invitation in its creeping, tendril-like grasp on its audience before blowing right open as the end hits.

It's an exceptionally tight indie film, in either case, and deserves way more attention that it's currently received.


Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.