10 Best Horror Movies Of 2019 (So Far)

2. One Cut Of The Dead

One Cut Of The Dead
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Zombie movies are so well done now that super-self-aware, meta-zombie-flicks seeking to reinvent the genre are themselves a tired sub-genre these days. So when something with "Of The Dead" in the title rocks up, horror fans can be forgiven for raising an eyebrow or two and just assuming it's another soulless cash-in on George Romero's good name. But One Cut Of The Dead is different.

Originally released in November 2017, Shinichiro Ueda's micro-budget homage to homemade horror can legitimately claim to have breathed real life into the zombie genre and when it finally became possible to see it widely in 2019, it was almost like a return to the days of VHS bootleg horrors being passed around. It also comes with a loving homage to the craft of cheap horrors, which is its own little joy.

Inevitably marketed on the epic, 37-minute opening single shot that gives the film its name, this low-budget zombie movie within a low-budget zombie movie is a real delight and it hides the fact that it cost only $25,000 so well that it's not really as much of a consideration as you'd think.

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