10 Best Horror Movies Of 2024 (So Far)
5. Immaculate
Just when it seemed like religious-themed horror flicks had new nothing left to offer audiences, along came Immaculate to prove us all quite wrong.
The moment-to-moment details of its plot may be relatively familiar, yes, but between Michael Mohan's taut filmmaking and Sydney Sweeney's superb performance as a young novice who finds herself terrorised inside an Italian convent, this is a suitably creepy and distinctive entry into the tired subgenre.
If the artsy visuals might initially imply a restrained, gore-free time at the movies, fear not - this thing has a few shocking moments of brutality up its sleeve, and a climax in particular that's basically impossible to forget.
If you still had any lingering doubts about Sweeney's acting chops going into this, a certain single-take sequence later in this film should obliterate it entirely.
Any card-carrying horror fan has seen their fair share of Catholic horror flicks, but precious few that go this damn hard.