10 Best Horror Movies Of The Decade So Far

5. The Invitation

It Follows Pic 2
Gamechanger Films

It’s difficult to talk about The Invitation without dishing out the spoilers like some sort malevolent Pez dispenser. Essentially it’s a dinner party that torpedoes off the beaten track before hurling itself into the infinite abyss. The Invitation is a slow boil, pressure cooker horror-come-thriller-come-bowel-ejector.

Immediately this feels like an old school movie for modern Hollywood, the new couple driving on a winding road to visit old friends and lovers after receiving an invite to an unknown location. As soon as they arrive it has that faint whiff of the Manson House, Heaven’s Gate or even Scientology and it’s a stench that stays in the nostrils like a rotting fish.

The continual slow pans are a death by a million paper cuts whilst the pitch and soundtrack is as if Trent Reznor was crossed with a witch doctor. Throw in the Nordic lighting, palatial feast and the guy who played the Zodiac Killer and this whole movie makes you feel like there’s a millipede crawling up your spine. Or that feeling you have when you walk through a cobweb.

In a word, it’s tense. In two, it’s f***ing tense.


Sometime Brummie with a love for tea, tequila and football teams that don't win a lot of games. Still don't really understand apostrophes.