10 Best Horror Movies Of The Decade So Far

4. The Babadook

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Causeway Films

In 40 years time we'll talk about the Babadook the same way we currently speak of the Bogeyman. Or the child catcher. The premise is laid out for you early doors with a typically creepy children's book that just can't be destroyed as well as a seemingly obnoxious child who delivers one of the most annoyingly snivelling performances since Prince Joffrey.

In the case of The Babadook, the story telling drives the horror, which is how it should always be but rarely ever is. There aren't really any jump scares, just a director who holds long and lets your mind play tricks on you. There's a hint of the monster's ankle here, a whisper of it's finger there; it's like some sort of perverse Victorian peep show.

And then we get to the Babadook. A cross between Slenderman, Fagin and that recurring dream you had as a toddler about being stolen away from your parents in the middle of the night. Whilst the tension, freakishness and demented nature of the world builds and builds like a tantric orgasm before you can't take any more and you wish for the sweet release of death just to put an end to it all. It's really good.


Sometime Brummie with a love for tea, tequila and football teams that don't win a lot of games. Still don't really understand apostrophes.