10 Best Horror Movies Of The Decade So Far

3. It Follows

It Follows Pic 2
Northern Lights Films

From hair product to tarragon to the amount of marijuana in a weed brownie, less is always more. It Follows takes this mantra and runs with as a fast as it can away from the monster slowly chasing it. This is a minimalist horror, what is unseen is always scarier than what is visible, the shadows are worse than the light.

It Follows concerns the life of Jay, a student who after having sex with her new boyfriend is informed that now she will be perpetually pursued by an entity only visible to her moving at walking pace and if it catches you; you’re dead. That’s the pretence. It’s a shatteringly simple idea, as the best horror films often are.

What’s really special about It Follows is that these are teenagers who actually feel and sound like real teenagers, not some 26 year old actor saying things like ‘sup’ and ‘whack’ and ‘Playstation’ in some harrowing attempt to seem young. There is this swirling maelstrom of adolescent hormones offset with the vague knowledge of the unrelenting nature of infinity which perfectly encapsulates that horrible feeling of being teenager that everyone has to deal with.

With a soundtrack from Disasterpiece that just melts into the movie It Follows never allows you to get comfortable. It’s as if there’s two ferrets fighting underneath your seat the whole time. And when you do eventually drop your guard ever so slightly, this movie stabs you right in the eyeball.


Sometime Brummie with a love for tea, tequila and football teams that don't win a lot of games. Still don't really understand apostrophes.