10 Best Horror Movies Set In A Cinema

6. Coming Soon

 Coming Soon
GMM Tai Hub

Having impressed with his writing work on 2004's Shutter and 2007's Alone, Sophon Sakdapisit made his directorial debut in 2008 with supernatural horror Coming Soon.

Pulling mild inspiration from Ring, Coming Soon is based around a specific scene of a specific movie. For those unfortunate souls who watch this scene, terror and death lie waiting around the corner.

Helping to spread the torture and death around, a cinema worker has pirated the movie in question, circulating it around to any willing buyers in order to make a quick buck. And when it turns out that the movie causing so much chaos is based on real events, that leads our protagonists down a rabbit hole of discovery and dark truths.

Like the rest of the films featured in this list, a large chunk of Coming Soon's run time is spent in the comfort - or discomfort - of a movie theater. While the picture may rely a smidge too much on formulaic jump scares, at the heart of this '08 effort is a solid story that unravels at a fitting pace before ultimately pulling the rug out from under its audience with its final act reveal.

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Senior Writer

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