10 Best Horror Movies Set In A Cinema

5. Popcorn

 Coming Soon
Studio Three Film Corporation

For a spell, Jill Schoelen was one of the hottest names in the horror genre. And then, just like that, the burgeoning Scream Queen quietly stepped away from the acting world in the mid '90s.

With efforts like The Stepfather, Cutting Class and the Robert Englund-headlined Phantom of the Opera already under her belt by that point in time, one of Schoelen's most impressive turns came as Maggie in 1991's Popcorn.

Centred on a group of university students, an all-night horror movie marathon is put on at a disused local cinema in order to raise funds for the university's film department. Wanting to put on a big show on the night, a whole host of gimmicks and tricks are served up alongside each of the pictures being screened.

Of course, these things can never go off without a hitch, and the proverbial spanner in the works here is a masked killer who begins to pick off the youngsters one by one. What's even more disturbing, is that the paying audience believe that these deaths are all merely part of the show.

Pun mildly intended, but Popcorn is very much a fun popcorn slasher that's certainly of its time, yet full of the same charm that made the '80s and '90s such a cheesily great time for the subgenre.

Senior Writer
Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.