10 Best Horror Movies Set In The Past

5. Black Death

The Witch Anya Taylor Joy

Again, how on Earth did a movie make one of the most devastating pandemics of all time even worse?

The Black Death is the name given to a devastating outbreak of bubonic plague that ravaged Europe throughout the 14th century. As many as 200 million people are thought to have died from the disease, which amounted to anywhere between 30% and 60% of the European population.

So yeah, a good start for a horror film then.

The 2010 movie Black Death stars Eddie Redmayne, Carice van Houten, and Sean Bean, who is contractually obliged to be in any film about death. Redmayne is a novice monk who accompanies a group of men to a local village to root out the unholy magic that dwells within.

This goes really well - wait, no it doesn't. A bunch of them are killed in various gory ways, including Sean Bean's character who is pulled apart by horses.

Course he is.

Bloody, creepy, and deranged, Black Death also has the threat of the titular plague hanging over it, which only adds to the tension.

It's a great watch, one that will make you count your lucky stars you weren't born in the 14th century.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.