10 Best 'I'm Dead And I Know It' Moments In Apocalypse Horror Movies

7. Josh - The Divide

Oblivion Vika death andrea riseborough
Anchor Bay Film

One of the grimmest-sounding deaths definitely has to be immolation, so why someone would do it to themselves is absolutely beyond me. Josh, after an hour or so of us watching his quality of life go down the toilet, decides after being shot that the one way to make this situation better is to set himself and the bunker alight. Smart. Nice one Josh.

We know he’s not a good guy; he has done a lot of pretty questionable stuff. Fresh off the back of beating the living daylights out of a fellow survivor, Josh is on an adrenaline high and poses a threat to everyone else inside the shelter.

Eventually he’s shot by one of his acquaintances he earlier tied up, and this appears to be the final straw. With his death imminent from the gunshot wound, he decides he wants to take everyone else out with him.

He has a wild look in his eyes as he holds up the lit oil lantern, dropping it to the ground and consequently setting himself and the surroundings alight. There’s no redemption, no apologies, nothing - just as soon as he knows he’s gonna bite the dust, he’s vindictive enough that he wants to take everyone down with him.


WhatCulture's shortest contributor (probably). Lover of cats, baked goods and Netflix Originals.