10 Best Indie Vampire Movies You've Probably Never Seen

6. Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter (2001)

Subspecies movie
Odessa Filmworks

A low budget, provocative pulp flick, Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter has a title that is simply begging you to watch the film.

A horror parody starring the son of god himself, Lee Demarbre's film follows a modern-day Jesus as he protect the lesbian population of Ottowa, Canada from a hoard of vampires. Who is on board to help him? None other than famed Mexican wrestler El Santo. Also... it's a musical.

If you aren't already interested, then this is likely not a film for you. But if this is up your street, you stand to be rewarded with a delightfully uneven adventure where any crude offence is heavily covered over by silliness.

It's exactly the kind of hot trash that deserves its place at cult movie screenings and underground cinemas. If nothing else, you'll be impressed by the untamed imagination.

If what you want from a movie is Jesus wearing sunglasses, practicing kung fu, and battling a mixture of vampires and atheists, then there is nothing closer to a perfect movie. And all the while you get to sit back and enjoy a delightful homage to the horror-action budget flicks of old.

As pitifully financed vampire adventures go, this is especially memorable.

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I write regularly about all things pop culture, and am an individually approved critic on Rotten Tomatoes. I am the Film News Editor for FILMHOUNDS Magazine and a Senior Writer for Starburst Magazine UK. My other credits include bylines in The Guardian, The Quietus and The Indiependent.