10 Best Individual Performances In Star Trek

1. I Could Die Tomorrow. I Don't Know If I'm Ready To Face That

Nog Star Trek

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: It's Only A Paper Moon (S7EP10)

Deep Space Nine could easily make an entire list of these, and with entries like this one, it's not hard to see why. It’s Only A Paper Moon took the reality of war and brought it home, leading on from the events of The Siege Of AR-558, in which fan favourite character Nog lost his leg in the course of duty.

Aron Eisenberg simply stuns here. Nog returns to the station, leaning on a cane for support, quieter now, less eager to go into battle. He reverts further and further into himself, before he finds a new lease of life in Vic Fontaine’s lounge, in the holosuite. While there, he throws himself into his new project – slowly building walls against the outside world as he does.

Things seem to be going well, though it is just another expression of his trauma. When finally confronted, by Vic himself, Nog lets his fear out, breaking down and admitting how terrified he is. If he could lose a leg, then why not his life, the next time he’s sent into battle?

The episode has rightfully received much acclaim for its depiction of PTSD, but it is Eisenberg’s task to make that come to life. He took every word of it and handed in the finest performance of his career, and one of the strongest of any actor in the franchise. This episode will always stand as a tribute to the man, and yet another example of incredible acting in Star Trek.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick