10 Best Individual Performances In Star Trek

3. For My Father, Who's Coming Home

Nog Star Trek

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Visitor (S4EP2)

Tony Todd.

Tony. Todd.

Todd first joined Star Trek in The Next Generation’s third season episode Sins of the Father, appearing as Kurn, Worf’s younger brother. While he was fantastic in the part, it is his portrayal of Jake Sisko that never fails to shatter Trekkies with even the stoniest of hearts.

Throughout The Visitor, Todd’s sometimes calm, sometimes heartbroken portrayal of a man trying to come to terms with the shocking death of his father, dominates every scene. While Cirroc Lofton originates the role of Jake, there simply was no better person to appear in the final scene between Old Jake and Ben, smiling at each other in the early morning sunshine.

As Jake’s tears fall from Todd’s eyes, and he dies in Ben’s company, his joy radiates through the screen. The poison he has taken has done its job – Avery Brooks also impresses (again) with his horror at Jake’s actions – and Jake’s death will reset time to rights. But the reveal that Jake finally did start writing again, dedicating his final work to his Dad, and his excitement to see him again, is enough to break us all.

The episode hits differently for everyone, and particularly those who have lost a parent, but one thing that is universal is the power of Tony Todd here. While he would return again later that season, donning the Klingon ridges once more, it is Old Jake Sisko who will always take this writer’s heart with him.

Tony Todd. Bloody hell.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick