10 Best Jokes From Star Wars Movies

2. "Hey, It's Me" - Star Wars Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi

As everyone knows, Han Solo is a bit of a blowhard, and the early Endor sequences of Return Of The Jedi perfectly summarize this trait. After Luke and Leia appear skeptical regarding his ability to quietly take down two stormtroopers, Han throws them one of the smuggest grins in cinematic history, offering the simple assurance of "Hey, it's me." This is funny enough. However, things get even better when he attempts to make good on his promise, and ends up completely fouling up the Rebel team's desire to stay covert. Many things contribute to the humour of this sequence, including Han's clear egomania, and the Skywalker twins clear lack of confidence in him. However, these qualities pale in comparison to the scene's editing, which rapidly and hilariously cuts from Han's gun accidentally clicking (which alerts the troopers to his presence), to him getting punched in the face, to Luke sarcastically groaning of "great!"
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Adam Mohrbacher has been afflicted with an obession for film since his earliest memories. In addition to his work with WhatCulture, Adam has been a contributor with Filmophilia.com, FilmMonthly.com and Examiner.com. You can also check out his personal blog here: adammohrbacher@wordpress.com. A devoted fan of all film genres and styles, Adam gets equally giddy over the sensitive, existential musings of Ingmar Bergman, and the brawny brilliance of Arnold Schwartzenegger. He loves fish tacos and misses the work of Heath Ledger and Jack Lemmon on a daily basis.