10 Best Let It Go Moments In Movies

9. The Earth Isn’t Worth It - The Cabin In The Woods

eternal sunshine

The Cabin in the Woods takes everything you think you know about teen horror movies and flips it upside down. It then sharpens those ideas into a knife, before stabbing you right through the spleen.

An exceptionally bloody affair, this movie frames the classic "teens in a cabin" story as an ultra-organised ritual designed to satiate a group of powerful demons called The Ancient Ones.

If the ritual - in which five traditional horror stereotypes are sacrificed every year - is not complete, then the Ancient Ones will rise from beneath the Earth and lay waste to the planet.

Sounds like something you'd want to avoid, right? Well, not if your name is either Dana or Marty. These are the two survivors of their group and the ones who discover the staged nature of their gruesome experience.

It is revealed to Dana that Marty must die in order to fulfil the sacrifice and keep the Earth from being destroyed. However, deciding that human life isn't worth sustaining at such a cost, Dana lets Marty live and the movie ends with the start of the apocalypse.

There some positive endings in this list, promise!


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.