10 Best Let It Go Moments In Movies

3. Don’t Let Go, Jack - Titanic

eternal sunshine
20th Century Fox

Yeah, it's obvious and a cliche, but it still gets you right in the feels.

James Cameron's epic public safety announcement about the virtue of good boat-building, Titanic smashed box office records like they were an iceberg when it came out in 1997.

The highly fictionalised romance between Jack and Rose swept cinemagoers up in a whirlwind of romance before plummeting them into the icy abyss of the North Atlantic Ocean.

One of the many famous scenes in Titanic is Rose telling Jack not to "let go" as the pair float on a large piece of driftwood. Unfortunately, Jack doesn't have much say in the matter, because he's dead. His lifeless body slips away, sinking to the bottom of the ocean.

So, technically, Jack didn't "let go" at this point. He was dead, he couldn't "let go" of anything. We're talking about the moment he let Rose go onto the door in the first place. He was a smart guy; he must have known that his chances of survival in the frigid water were basically zero. And yet he did it anyway, all for true love.

What a dreamboat... oops, shouldn't use the b-word. It's insenstive.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.