10 Best Let It Go Moments In Movies

2. Take Her To The Moon For Me - Inside Out

eternal sunshine

Narrowly fighting off tough competition from Toy Story 3, Coco, and Up, the saddest moment in Pixar history might just go to this utterly shattering scene from 2015's Inside Out.

Set within the mind of an 11-year-old named Riley, Inside Out personifies her emotions as they go through a journey that acts as a metaphor for the young girl's struggles.

The emotions of Joy and Sadness get displaced from Riley's brain and must get back there before the other emotions totally wreck the place. Along the way, they encounter Bing-Bong, Riley's childhood imaginary friend.

Bing-Bong, who looks like a weird, homeless, elephant-fox thing, helps Joy escape from the Memory Dump, where old memories are erased. However, he can only do this by trapping himself in the Dump, where he is forgotten.

Bing-Bong sacrifice comes from a place of true love. He knows that he's had his time with Riley and that his final act will help her to feel better again.

His final message of "Take her to the moon for me" is beyond sad and the perfect reminder that movies "for kids" are often ten times more emotional than any "grown-up" film.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.