10 Best Live Action Movie Batsuits

9. Adam West - Batman: The Movie

Batman Michael Keaton Val Kilmer
Warner Bros.

As worn by Adam West in "Batman: The Movie" (1966)

The first big screen outing of Batman wasn't the first time that viewers would have seen Adam West in the iconic suit, but it makes this list partly for nostalgic reasons. Plus, it is arguably the most (golden era) comic-book accurate costume of them all, so bonus points there! Adam West's batsuit retained the colour scheme, cloth texture and even the bodybuilder undies on the outside of the pants from the pages. The colourful (or psychedelic, depending on who you ask) aesthetic of the sixties certainly rubbed off on the comic books at the time, and so the intense colours of the movie reflect that accordingly. How else could you explain the sheen of that cape and cowl?

West's Batman is about as subtle as someone in a brightly coloured spandex suit can be, but it works; especially when considering that the movie is a campy spoof of the comic books of the time. It's often forgotten that this era of "Batman: The Movie" was a comedy by design, and that design (whilst comical) deserves its place in memory. For many, this was their first Batman on the big screen and he had quite an entrance.

All together now: nana nana nana nana...BATMAN!

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The Batman
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