10 Best Live Action Movie Batsuits

8. Ben Affleck's God-Killing Suit - Batman V Superman

Batman Michael Keaton Val Kilmer
Warner Bros.

Now, this isn't the main batsuit of the movie (we'll get to that one, shortly), and technically it isn't a separate suit, as it's more of a metal... overall. However, it would be remittent to ignore this armoured, steel man-suit that the Batman dons to fight the Man of Steel.

Because it's just so damn cool.

Overall, it looks like a deconstructed tank being worn by an already tank-like man. Anyone who said that the World's Finest could never realistically go toe-to-toe on screen certainly withdrew their words from the menu when they saw Affleck in this costume. Anyone who knows their graphic novels will tell you that it's a direct copy of the suit worn by Frank Miller's Batman, when the elder caped crusader puts it on to fight Superman at the finale of "The Dark Knight Returns..." and fans know that Supes only won on a technicality there.

The only regret about this suit is that it doesn't get enough screen-time.

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The Batman
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