10 Best Magneto Moments

6. Escaping From Prison - X-Men 2

X-Men 2 is considered by many to be the greatest entry in the X-Men franchise. Magneto shines in this movie, largely due to Ian McKellan's brilliant performance.

The film starts with him imprisoned in a (plastic) jail, but he eventually manages to escape due to an ingenious plan involving Mystique injecting iron into the bloodstream of a security guard, in order for Magneto to extract the iron, mould it into a solid, and use it to smash through his prison and swiftly escape.

Adding to the incredible getaway, his wry smirk and remarks to the incapacitated security guard make this easily Magneto's best moment in X-Men 2. This villainous escape contrasts with his later redemption in the film as he joins forces with the X-Men, and places emphasis on the antagonistic but witty nature of the Master of Magnestism.

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X-Men Magneto
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