10 Best Mark Ruffalo Performances

4. David Schultz - Foxcatcher (2014)

Mark Ruffalo Avengers
Sony Pictures Classics

Securing his second Oscar nomination, Ruffalo's turn in this dark and slow-burning drama was nothing short of a revelation. Though the film itself is often best remembered for Steve Carrell's shocking dramatic turn, the film wouldn't have been half as enveloping without Ruffalo sitting at its heart.

Ruffalo stars as David Schultz, an Olympic gold medalist wrestler, who is hired alongside his younger brother Mark (Channing Tatum) by bizarre millionaire John du Pont (Carrell) to train the next generation of wrestling superstars. In the role, Ruffalo is given a lot to work with, being at once the film's level head and its most tragic player.

Though he's not around quite as often as Carrell or Tatum, Ruffalo is still able to rise to the challenge of his co-star's also-great performances, matching Carrell's threatening undertones with calm resolve whilst being the voice of reason for his conflicted younger brother. The Oscar nod was, as ever, very deserved.

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Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.