10 Best Marvel Cinematic Universe Deleted Scenes

6. Rhodey Debuts As War Machine

Hulk suicide

This would have marked Rhodey's first appearance in the Mark II armour had it made the final cut in Iron Man 2, and War Machine fans will be sorry it didn't.

The deleted scene sees Tony Stark's comrade briefing a bunch of soldiers about the Mark II technology and revealing his intentions to pimp it up with high-tech weaponry.

In a sense, it's kind of a origin sequence for War Machine and it comes with a nice bit of comic relief when Rhodey warns his colleagues that Stark is likely to have installed security in the suit, right before it electrifies one of them.

Marvel Studios obviously felt that this scene was little more than filler, but more War Machine would have been no bad thing given that he's also overdue for a solo flight.


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