10 Best Marvel Cinematic Universe Deleted Scenes

5. Thor Gets Possessed

Hulk suicide
Marvel Studios

Remember the scene in Age of Ultron where Thor enters the Norn cave and sees all kinds of visions? It was scaled down for the final cut, and the full version is superior.

The extended footage sees the Thunder God possessed, full Exorcist style, his eyes becoming twin pools of neon light and his voice taking on a demonic tone.

Thor babbles manically, but there's method to the his madness, with potential foreshadowing for the rise of Thanos and vital Age of Ultron plot thickener in there.

Cutting this scene down was a hair-brained decision that actually made the movie harder to follow. It would have explained exactly how Thor knew what to do regarding the Infinity Stone and offered for cryptic hints about what is to come in the MCU.

Thanks for depriving us of that, Joss Whedon... okay, we'll let you off since your Avengers films are otherwise top notch.


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