10 Best Marvel Cinematic Universe Deleted Scenes

2. Bruce Banner Tries To Top Himself (The Incredible Hulk)

Richard Corben and Brian Azarello's Startling Stories: Banner provided one of the darkest and, arguably, most accurate portrayals of the Hulk in comic books. Rather than a jolly green giant that can sometimes be wrangled into doing some superhero business, the Hulk of Banner is more like a natural disaster, wiping out entire towns on his frequent rampages and killing hundreds. Bruce Banner decides he can't take it any more, and decides to kill himself. That doesn't really go according to plan. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwrkR3PELJ8 It seems like an odd - and pretty downbeat - storyline to adapt to the big screen, and yet the original opening for The Incredible Hulk was almost shot-for-shot the same as the part of Banner where the beleaguered scientist climbs up a mountaintop and puts a gun in his mouth, only for the monster to take over and stop him. It's a powerful, emotional scene, although might've got the film off on the wrong foot. It was also meant to feature a cameo by Captain America's shield for some reason. Perhaps not the right time.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/