10 Best Marvel Cinematic Universe Deleted Scenes

1. Loki As Cap (Thor: The Dark World)

Tom Hiddleston's Loki is everybody's favourite Marvel Cinematic Universe villain. How could he not be? He's one of the few antagonists the films have created so far that actually has something going for him, which is probably why he's been used not only in both Thor films but also The Avengers, with rumours that he might make an appearance in Age Of Ultron, too. Hiddleston's performance is charmingly evil and multi-layered, and that horned helmet is just to die for. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ls6rb_2ho-s Obviously he also totally stole the show in The Dark World, the Thor sequel that wasn't as big a surprise as the original, but is nowhere near as rubbish as everybody makes out. C'mon, "mew mew!" That joke never gets old! The real belly laugh to be had in cinemas, however, was the scene where the two Odinsons team up against the blight of the Dark Elves, with Loki suggesting some other forms he could take to make their cooperation less painful to his brother. He suggests turning Loki into Lady Sif and, for a brief moment, transforms into Captain America - with Chris Evans making an uncredited cameo. The only way to make that even funnier? Don't bother with a full transformation. Just put Tom Hiddleston in the Cap uniform. Him and Chris Evans have basically the same measurements, right?

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/