10 Best MCU Deleted Concept Art Scenes They Never Filmed

9. Vision Takes Out Iron Man - Captain America: Civil War

Strange Mysterio
Marvel Studios

Civil War saw the Avengers split right down the middle over the Sokovia Accords, an event that ultimately comes to a head as Team Iron Man and Team Captain America collide in an airport.

However, as early concept art for the third Cap solo-outing (or Avengers 2.5, depending on where you sit) reveals, the teams we ultimately saw battling it out amongst the planes weren't always arranged in the way they eventually were in the flick itself.

The most notable example of the team behind the film not being 100% certain of who would line up alongside who can be seen in a shot, created by artist Andy Park, that sees Tony Stark being taken down by Vision. Of course, Vis would align himself with Iron Man in the eventual game-changer, but in this early design he can be spotted disabling Stark's armour via putting his hand through the suit and stopping him in his tracks.

You could argue that this may have also been a reaction to Stark seemingly closing in on Wanda Maximoff, Vis' lover, in the shot, turning on his boss to protect his partner. But either way, it made for a cool visual that never came to pass.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...