10 Best MCU Deleted Concept Art Scenes They Never Filmed

8. Ego's Grand Alternate Look - Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2

Strange Mysterio
Marvel Studios

There's little debate over the fact that Kurt Russel's Ego sits as one of the most despicable and unexpectedly memorable villains to have been unleashed on the MCU yet. Murdering numerous partners and even planting the tumour that killed Peter Quill's mother is always likely to guarantee you that much.

However, judging from art once brought forward to James Gunn and the gang in the early stages of development on Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2, this unsettling Celestial almost had a very different look entirely. Feeling much more other-worldly and grand than the admittedly more colourful and grizzled Ego seen in the finished product, the diabolical, pale figure can be seen perched up high on a throne of sorts in Jerad Merantz's work, set against a backdrop that wouldn't look out of place in a creepy sci-fi horror feature.

Adding a touch more prestige and a godly aesthetic would've likely made for a spookier introduction to Star Lord's paps, and would've likely made for an even prettier backdrop to the pair's eventual smash-up late in the day. But it's still hard to argue with the vibrant alternative we were gifted in the end... all with added Pac-Man.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...