10 Best MCU Deleted Concept Art Scenes They Never Filmed

7. Hulk Lets It Grow - Thor: Ragnarok

Strange Mysterio
Marvel Studios

Another character who was very nearly introduced, or re-introduced in this case, in a hugely different way to what we ultimately got was everyone's favourite big green ball of fury in Taika Waititi's barmy Thor: Ragnarok. And while the sight of Mark Ruffalo's Bruce Banner having undergone a cheeky trim off-screen before making his pulsating return to action in the gladiator pit (more on that soon!) was cool enough, another look very nearly stole the whole damn show.

As artist Ryan Meinerding spit-balled numerous different potential hairstyles for The Hulk to rock in this third Thor solo-flick, along with shots of Hulk sporting a shorter buzz cut and a bit of facial fuzz, a rather magnificent creation was brought into being. A Hulk with wavy long black locks and a beard so glorious, The God of Thunder himself would've likely been a bit jealous.

Of course we weren't given the treat of Jesus-Hulk arriving on the scene in the eventual romp that landed on screens in 2017, but you can literally hear the quips at the expense of both Avengers' new hairstyles now. File this one under missed opportunity!

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...