10 Best MCU Deleted Concept Art Scenes They Never Filmed

3. Scarlet Witch Takes Full Control - Avengers: Age Of Ultron

Strange Mysterio
Marvel Studios

Sticking with the Avengers' second coming together on the big screen, many were left wondering why one of arguably Marvel's most powerful heroes wasn't given the chance to really show off her capabilities in what would act as her MCU bow.

Well, as seen in a Paolo Giandoso design for Joss Whedon's second Avengers flick, there was actually a time when Wanda Maximoff's insanely powerful abilities were actually on the verge of being unleashed throughout the runtime of Age of Ultron. Showcasing her ability to control minds in the eventual finished film, this concept art takes that notion and dials it up and then some. The Scarlet Witch controls a full room of henchmen as her visually stunning powers take hold of all around her.

Of course, Marvel Studios appeared to have an endgame in mind for Wanda involving her realising her true potential later down the road, but your writer would be lying if he said Elizabeth Olsen's chaos magic-wielding badass controlling multiple minds with ease wouldn't have made for a seriously awesome sequence.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...