10 Best MCU Deleted Concept Art Scenes They Never Filmed

2. Thor And Rocket Fight Giant Serpents - Avengers: Infinity War

Strange Mysterio
Marvel Studios

For a film that comes in at a whopping 149-minutes and boasts just about every MCU face available to The Russo Brothers, it's hard to believe that absolutely anything was left out of the event that was Infinity War. But as seen in art released after the flick arrived in cinemas, two of the film's central figures very nearly embarked on an entirely different quest altogether... one involving another new face to the MCU.

Instead of heading to Nidavellir to forge Stormbreaker with a little assistance from Eitri, it appears The God of Thunder would've brought his new racoon friend onboard to seek out the potentially already made weapon. After finding the badass new weaponry, it then looks as though the two allies crossed the path of Jormungandr, the Midgard Serpent, and had to see off the titanic beast in order to escape Nidavellir.

As explain by writer Stephen McFeely, though, "(This scene must) provide a test for Thor, but it also shows what Thanos has wrought." And in having Thor and Rocket take such a disconnected detour, it likely made the entire fight sequence feel a touch pointless when trying to lace it into the central narrative as a whole.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...