10 Best MCU Deleted Scenes EVER
7. Infinity Gauntlet Foreboding - Avengers: Age Of Ultron
One of the more random moments of Avengers: Age of Ultron saw Thor take some sort of mystical bath in a cave.
If this all felt a little odd and out of place, a big reason for that is due to how the scene was originally meant to be a lot longer and had a bit more context to it. Due to being trimmed down for the final release of Age of Ultron, audiences were instead served up a moment that was a smidge confusing.
What was originally intended - and what was ultimately cut from the movie - was for Thor to become fully possessed by the Norns, aka the Norse goddesses of fate. As part of this possession, the Son of Odin would explain about the Mind Stone to Erik Selvig.
Not just would Selvig learn about the stone that would bring Vision to life, but a line about the other "infinite six that cannot be joined nor kept apart" was a clear piece of foreshadowing about Thanos' plans to bring together the infinity stones.
The reason for Thor taking a dip in this pool was because it's only when in there can the Norns communicate with him, giving him a glimpse of his future and fate.