10 Best Mission: Impossible Stunts

6. The Rooftop Jump: Mission: Impossible - Fallout (2019)

The sheer grit involved awards this a high entry. It went horribly botch. They put it in the film anyway.

The building jump is one of the many daredevil spectacles found in the positively loaded Mission: Impossible - Fallout. It's by no means the most spectacular, but that's hardly a criticism given everything else that occurs in the movie.

The shot sees Ethan leap from the edge one building and land onto the roof of another. It was always meant to look a little haphazard, as our man Ethan is less of a Neo and more of an Indiana Jones. However, Tom Cruise hitting the edge foot-first with enough force to break his ankle was not part of the plan. The moment is captured on camera, and it looks bloody horrific.

Plus the stunt was a one shot deal, as Cruise had to take some hospital time out afterwards. Viewers are therefore treated to the aftermath of Tom/Ethan clambering up and limping out of shot, which adds a nice sense of realism to the scene... Real being the operative word.


Writer, proud father and also chimp. Plus I talk music at Everythingisnoise.net