10 Best Mission: Impossible Stunts

7. Climbing The Burj Khalifa: Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011)

Take the high-up Shenanigans of the Mission: Impossible II cliff jump, swap it for an urban setting, and you get this impressive piece of stunt work. Set in Dubai's Burj Khalifa, which is incidentally the tallest building in the world, this stunt occurs 144 floors off the ground and sees Mr Hunt precariously traversing the outside of the structure in the name of good old fashioned espionage.

It just so happened that the film and stunt crew had some empty floors available in the Burj Khalifa, which they could cannibalise and use as their base of operations for the 20 or so days of required filming. The amount of work put into just eight minutes of screen time is very impressive, and looks pretty darn glossy when seen on film.

Tom Cruise being the adrenaline junkie that he is, had a great old time running back and forth along the building before they were even ready to start filming, which meant the actual footage was just a small filling in the high-risk sandwich that the team feasted on during this location shoot.


Writer, proud father and also chimp. Plus I talk music at Everythingisnoise.net