10 Best Moments From The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug Extended Edition

9. Actually Meeting Beorn

When In The Film Is It: Just after the gang wake up in Beorn's house. What Happens: In the theatrical edition Beorn is little more than an afterthought, included in the opening twenty minutes just because he has to be. In this scene, Bilbo and Gandalf go outside to talk to Beorn, attempting to downplay the presence of the dwarves (the shape-shifter is not a fan) before they all burst out. Later on the bear-man and the wizard discuss the approaching darkness. Why It's Great: Beorn isn't the most important secondary character in The Hobbit, but he deserves more screentime than he got. Given that he plays a more pivotal role in the events of the final film - he kills the leader of the orcs in the book (there Bolg, but in the films Azog) and it seems like he'll play a part in freeing Gandalf from Dol Guldur - it makes sense to spend a little more time setting him up. The scene also provides an opportunity to give up another roll call of the dwarves (that's really needed).

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.