10 Best Movie Characters Of 2021 (So Far)

1. Katie Mitchell - The Mitchells Vs. The Machines

Cruella Emma Stone

But far and away the best movie character this year so far is the adorkable Katie Mitchell (Abbi Jacobson) from the absurdly entertaining animated film The Mitchells vs. the Machines.

The entire ensemble kills it, but protagonist Katie is an impossible-to-dislike ball of positive energy who we could all aspire to be more like in our daily lives.

A budding filmmaker who comes to understand the value of her challenging family unit over the course of her adventure, Katie comfortably skirts Gen Z cliches while also being an uncommonly outstanding example of queer representation in a mainstream animated film.

We've all been at odds with out parents and struggled to figure out our own place in the world at one time or another, and Katie encapsulates that struggle in a manner both relatable and terrifically entertaining, aided by Jacobson's note-perfect vocal performance.

Even if the movie never gets a sequel, it sure would be great to catch up with Katie in a short film sometime in the future. Get on it, Netflix.

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Emma Stone
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.