10 Best Movie Characters Of 2021 (So Far)

2. Emmett - A Quiet Place Part II

Cruella Emma Stone

With the demise of Lee Abbott (John Krasinski) at the end of the original A Quiet Place, writer-director Krasinski sought to fill the void by drafting in a replacement male lead, and struck gold with the addition of Emmett (Cillian Murphy).

Emmett is a friend of Lee's who lost his own family in the alien invasion and now ekes out a miserable, solitary existence in hiding, his faith in humanity effectively obliterated as a result.

But when he crosses paths with the Abbotts, he's thrust into a far more active role, reluctantly caring for the family and ultimately helping Regan (Millicent Simmonds) reach the radio station where she can signal-boost her hearing aid's frequency to combat the creatures.

Considering the film's swift 97-minute runtime and lightning-fast pacing, that it manages to introduce a compelling new character with minimal exposition is a major achievement.

Having an actor of Murphy's caliber aboard sure doesn't hurt either, of course, and he does an excellent job keeping Emmett's disposition vague enough that a third-act heel turn wouldn't have been at all surprising.

But with Emmett surviving to the end - which was itself pretty surprising - it'll be great to see him returning for the final desperate dash to wipe the aliens out in the inevitable threequel.

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Emma Stone
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.